The Table of Contents lists the main sections of the Mathematics Subject Classification. Under each heading may be found some links to electronic journals, preprints, databases and other pertinent material. There is also a page of Materials Organized by Mathematical Topics.
Table of Classes
00 General
Math in the Media [Monthly magazine from the AMS]
AMS Feature Column [Monthly essay from the AMS]
MAA Online Columns Collection [Peterson, Devlin, Colm, Bressoud, Adams and Narayan, Sandifer, Morgan, Bogomolny, Peterson, Pegg]
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) about Mathematics (The Sci.Math FAQ Team)
Favorite Mathematical Constants, by Steven Finch; An online book and extensive collection of the author’s “favorite” special numbers.
Simon Plouffe’s Tables of Mathematical Constants to millions of decimal places.
The Erdos Component Page at Oakland U (Rochester, MI USA) – Information on the graph of collaboration in mathematics (J. Grossman)
John Baez’s “This week’s finds in mathematical physics”
Math for Poets, Understanding Mathematics, and Gödel, Escher, Bach (J. Lawler, U Michigan)
International Congress of Mathematicians — ICM 2002 Beijing Announcements
International Congress of Mathematicians — ICM 1998 Berlin Proceedings
International Congress of Mathematicians — ICM 1994 Zürich Abstracts
International Congress of Mathematicians — Dates and locations of previous ICM (1897-1998)
- Searchable index of mathematical resources:
- MathSearch (J. Richardson, University of Sydney)
01 History and biography
Web sites and pages:
- History of Mathematics Page, (D.E. Joyce, Clark University)
- Fields Medals and Nevanlinna Prizes
- Eric’s Treasure Trove of Scientific Biography
- Princeton’s Fine Hall in the Early 60’s
03 Mathematical logic and foundations
04 Set theory
Classification RETIRED in 2000
05 Combinatorics
Electronic journals:
- Combinatorics (Front, XXX Math Archive)
Other material:
- World Combinatorics Exchange (Georgia Institute of Technology)
- Links to Combinatorial Conferences (at UIUC, IL, USA)
- Combinatorics Conferences (at Combinatorics Net from W. Chen)
- Open Problems in Graph Theory and Combinatorics
06 Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures
08 General algebraic systems
Electronic journals:
11 Number theory
Electronic journals:
- Algebraic Number Theory (Urbana)
- Hilbert’s Tenth Problem BibTeX files (MIT)
12 Field theory and polynomials
Electronic journals:
13 Commutative rings and algebras
Electronic journals:
- Commutative Algebra (North Dakota)
14 Algebraic geometry
Electronic journals:
15 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory
Electronic journals:
16 Associative rings and algebras
Electronic journals:
17 Nonassociative rings and algebras
Electronic journals:
18 Category theory, homological algebra
Electronic journals:
- Theory and Applications of Categories
- Beiträge zur Algebra und Geometrie / Contributions to Algebra and Geometry
- Representation Theory and Cohomology (Dave Benson, University of Georgia, Athens)
19 K-theory
Electronic journals:
- K-theory (Urbana)
20 Group theory and generalizations
Electronic journals:
- Representation Theory and Cohomology (Dave Benson, University of Georgia, Athens)
- Group Theory BibTeX files (ANU)
22 Topological groups, Lie groups
26 Real functions
28 Measure and integration
- The relevant section of Modern Analysis Online (King’s College, London, UK)
30 Functions of a complex variable
- Functions of a complex variable (Front for the Mathematics ArXiV)
Information Sites
- Julia and Mandelbrot Set Explorer by David E. Joyce [1994] (Clark U, Worcester, MA USA)
- Graphics for complex analysis by Douglas E. Arnold [1997-2000; May 2008 addditions] (Institute for Mathematics and its Application, Minneapolis, MN USA)
- Dynamics in One Complex Variable: Introductory Lectures by John Milnor [1990 preprint] (Institute for Mathematical Sciences, SUNY Stonybrook, NY USA)
- Local Connectivity of Julia Sets: Expository Lectures by John Milnor [1992 preprint] (Institute for Mathematical Sciences, SUNY Stonybrook, NY USA)
- Local Connectivity of Julia Sets: Expository Lectures by John Milnor [1992 preprint] (Institute for Mathematical Sciences, SUNY Stonybrook, NY USA)
- Table of Conformal Mappings Using Continuous Coloring by George Abod and Paul Godfrey [1999] (Florida Institute of Technology, Melbournbe, FL USA)
- The relevant section of Modern Analysis Online (King’s College, London, UK)
31 Potential theory
32 Several complex variables and analytic spaces
33 Special functions
- SIAM Activity Group on Orthogonal Polynomials and Special Functions (NIST, Gaithersburg, USA)
34 Ordinary differential equations
Electronic journals:
- C*ODE*E : Newsletter of the Consortium for Ordinary Differential Equation Experimentation (Harvey Mudd College, Claremont CA)
- Electronic Journal of Differential Equations
- The relevant section of Modern Analysis Online (King’s College, London, UK)
Information Site:
- Consortium for Ordinary Differential Equation Experimentation (Harvey Mudd College, Claremont, CA USA)
- The relevant section of Modern Analysis Online (King’s College, London, UK)
- The relevant section of The Mathematical Atlas by Dave Rusin [2000] (Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, IL USA)
35 Partial differential equations
Information Site:
- The relevant section of Modern Analysis Online (King’s College, London, UK)
Electronic journals:
- Conservation Laws Preprint Server (Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway)
37 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory
Information Site:
- SIAM Activity Group on Dynamical Systems (George Mason U, Fairfax VA)
39 Finite differences and functional equations
40 Sequences, series, summability
41 Approximations and expansions
42 Fourier analysis
Information Site:
- The relevant section of Modern Analysis Online (King’s College, London, UK)
Other material:
- Wavelets, (Salzburg, AU)
- Center for the Mathematics of Waves (U Delaware)
- Wavelets Code and Papers, (Yale U, New Haven CT)
- X Wavelet Packet Laboratory, (Yale U, New Haven CT)
43 Abstract harmonic analysis
Information Site:
44 Integral transforms, operational calculus
45 Integral equations
46 Functional analysis
Information Site:
- The relevant section of Modern Analysis Online (King’s College, London, UK)
- Also algebras of operators at Modern Analysis Online (King’s College, London, UK)
- The relevant section of The Mathematical Atlas by Dave Rusin [2000] (Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, IL USA)
- Banach Spaces & Functional Analysis preprint service (Oklahoma State)
- Lecture notes on functional analysis by Douglas E. Arnold [1997] (Institute for Mathematics and its Application, Minneapolis, MN USA)
Web sites:
- Operator Algebra Resources (U Oregon, OR USA; N. Christopher Phillips) [a comprehensive list of pointers]
47 Operator theory
Information Site:
- The relevant section of Modern Analysis Online (King’s College, London, UK)
- Also semigroups of operators at Modern Analysis Online (King’s College, London, UK)
49 Calculus of variations and optimal control
51 Geometry
Information Site:
- The relevant section of Modern Analysis Online (King’s College, London, UK)
Electronic journals:
Web sites and pages:
- The Geometry Center, University of Minnesota
- Center for Geometry Analysis Numerics and Graphics (GANG), U Massachusetts Amherst
- The Geometry Forum, Swarthmore College
52 Convex and discrete geometry
Electronic journals:
53 Differential geometry
Information Site:
- The relevant section of Modern Analysis Online (King’s College, London, UK)
Electronic journals:
- Harmonic Maps Bibliography (Bath)
- Harmonic Maps (Florida)
54 General topology
- The Topology Atlas (U Nipissing, North Bay, ON CA)
55 Algebraic topology
- Algebraic Topology (Purdue)
- Representation Theory and Cohomology (Dave Benson, University of Georgia, Athens)
57 Manifolds and cell complexes
58 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds
Information Site:
- The relevant section of Modern Analysis Online (King’s College, London, UK)
Electronic journals:
- Dynamics (esp. Complex Dynamics) (SUNY Stony Brook)
- Complexity On-line (ANU)
60 Probability theory and stochastic processes
Information Site:
- The relevant section of Modern Analysis Online (King’s College, London, UK)
62 Statistics
Virtual library of statistical information, maintained at the University of Florida.
Other Sources:
- pLab – Theoretical and Practical Aspects of Random Number Generation (Salzburg, AU)
- Applied Statistics, University of Reading UK
- Statistics , The University of Liverpool UK
- Statistics, UCLA
- Statistics, University of Chicago
- Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Melbourne, Australia
- Statistics Dept., University of Washington
- Statistics Finland
- Statistical Laboratory, University of Canbridge UK
65 Numerical analysis
Electronic journals:
- Computational Mathematics (SEL-HPC)
- Conservation Laws Preprint Server (Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway)
- NETLIB Repository (University of Tennessee, Knoxville)
68 Computer science
- ACM, Association for Computing Machinery (New York NY, USA)
- JSSAC Japan Society for Symbolic and Algebraic Computation (Nara, Japan)
- Computer Science (Hypatia, QMW, London)
70 Mechanics of particles and systems
Electronic journals:
- Mathematical Physics (mp_arc, U. of Texas, Austin)
73 Mechanics of solids
Electronic journals:
- Mathematical Physics (mp_arc, U. of Texas, Austin)
76 Fluid mechanics
Electronic journals:
- Conservation Laws Preprint Server (Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway)
- Mathematical Physics (mp_arc, U. of Texas, Austin)
78 Optics, electromagnetic theory
Electronic journals:
- Mathematical Physics (mp_arc, U. of Texas, Austin)
80 Classical thermodynamics, heat transfer
Electronic journals:
- Mathematical Physics (mp_arc, U. of Texas, Austin)
81 Quantum Theory
Electronic journals:
- Introduction to Topological Quantum Field Theory, Ruth J. Lawrence (University of Michigan, Ann Arbor MI, USA)
- Quantum Topology Project, Virginia Polytechnic and State University (Blacksburg VA, USA)
- Research Group on Topological Quantum Field Theory and Knots (Zürich/Milan/Stony Brook/Novara)
- Topological Quantum Field Theory Club, Instituto Superior Técnico (Lisbon, Portugal)
- Topological Geometrodynamics
- Lie-groepen in de fysica by M. Veltman, B. De Wit & G. ’t Hooft [2003, PDF, Dutch, 73 pages] (Institute for Theoretical Physics, Utrecht, NL)
- Opgaven behorende bij het college Liegroepen 2003 by G. ’t Hooft [2003, PDF, Dutch, 12 pages] (Institute for Theoretical Physics, Utrecht, NL)
- Mathematical Physics (mp_arc, U. of Texas, Austin)
- Lie-groepen in de fysica by M. Veltman, B. De Wit & G. ’t Hooft [2003, PDF, Dutch, 73 pages] (Institute for Theoretical Physics, Utrecht, NL)
82 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter
Electronic journals:
- Mathematical Physics (mp_arc, U. of Texas, Austin)
83 Relativity and gravitational theory
Electronic journals:
- Introduction to General Relativity by Gerard ’t Hooft [8/4/2002, PDF, 59 pages] (Spinoza Institute, Utrecht, NL)
- Mathematical Physics (mp_arc, U. of Texas, Austin)
85 Astronomy and astrophysics
86 Geophysics
90 Operations research, mathematical programming
- List of all German-speaking institutes related to operations research
91 Game theory, economics, social and behavioral sciences [includes parts of older 90 and 92]
92 Biology and other natural sciences
- Complexity On-line (ANU)
93 Systems theory; control
94 Information and communication, circuits
- IMAGERS, UCLA Image processing Group (UCLA, Los Angeles, CA USA)
97 Mathematics education [section added in 2000]