Mathematics by Topics

Mathematics by Topic lists some topic keywords in the Table of Contents. In each section are links to electronic journals, preprints, Web sites and pages, databases and other pertinent material in the corresponding field. There is also a page of Materials Organized by Mathematical Subject Classification.

Table of Topics

Actuarial mathematics


Calculus Resources

Cellular Automata



Complex Variables

Complexity and Complex Systems

Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD)

Computational Science

Computer Algebra


  • Quadralay Cryptography Archive, Clipper; Crypto-Anarchists; Cypherpunks; Digital Encryption Standard (DES); Digital Telephony; Dolphin Encrypt; Export Issues; General; International Cryptography Pages; Kerberos; Law; Macintosh Cryptography Interface Project National Security Agency (NSA); PGP (Pretty Good Privacy); RIPEM; RSA; Sternlight, David; Tempest.
  • International Cryptography Page (Finland)
  • Oxford (England) ftp site, “Implementations of the Data Encryption Standard, cryptanalysis, some toy ciphers, real products like MD5 and RC4, distribution kits, interfaces, utilities for Pretty Good Privacy”
  • Look also for items listed by classification under Computer Science 68

Differential Equations

Dynamical Systems

Fermat’s Last Theorem (FLT)


General Exposition

General Relativity

Genetic Algorithms


Graphical Images


Knot Theory

Linear Programming

  • Linear Programming FAQ. This list is maintained by Robert Fourer ( and the Optimization Technology Center of Northwestern University and Argonne National Laboratory.


Mathematical Life Sciences

Mathematical and Art

Mathematical Physics

Mathematical Puzzles

Multidimensional Analysis

Nonlinear Dynamics

Nonlinear Programming

  • FAQ. This list is maintained by Robert Fourer ( and the Optimization Technology Center of Northwestern University and Argonne National Laboratory.


  • Numbers at U Tennessee, Knoxville (Knoxsville, TN USA)
    Data Powers of Ten; Egyptian fractions; Favorite Mathematical Constants ; The Fibonacci Numbers; Googoolplex; Integer Sequences; Inverse Symbolic Calculator; Largest Known Primes; Number Field Tables; Number World; PI; PI, again; Sci.Math FAQ – Sections on Numbers; The Uselessness of Pi and its irrational friends [23 Oct 1995].
  • N. J. A. Sloane’s Integer Sequence Encyclopedia and programs, Superseeker description
  • Favorite Mathematical Constants, by Steven Finch
    An online book and extensive collection of the author’s “favorite” special numbers.
  • Simon Plouffe’s Tables of Mathematical Constants

Numerical Analysis



Operator Algebras

Operations Research


Ordinary Differential Equations

Partial Differential Equations


Quantum Computing

Random Number Generation

Real Analysis


Several Complex Variables



Unsolved Problems


The first page here was developed in 1996 from one prepared at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville Math Archives.