Electronic-only mathematical newsletters and journals for undergraduates.
- Asymptopia: Newsletter of the Centre for Mathematical Sciences [1997-2007] (Cambridge CB3 0WA, UK)
- C*ODE*E: Consortium for Ordinary Differential Equations Experiments [1992-1997] (Harvey Mudd College, Claremont CA, USA)
- Crux Mathematicorum with Mathematical Mayhem ( Canadian Mathematical Society, Ottawa ON, Canad)
- ERCIM News (European Research Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics)
- The Emissary Newsletter of MSRI, Berkeley (Berkeley, CA USA)
- Euromath Bulletin [1994 and 1996; was once at
] (European Mathematical Society) - Furman University Electronic Journal of Undergraduate Mathematics
- IMU-Net – Newsletter of the International Mathematical Union [2003-present]
- INédit – The INRIA Newsletter [All issues online]
- Le Journal de Maths des Élèves de l’École Normale Supérieure de Lyon (1994-1998: run by Patrick Iglesias, this French-language publication issued 4 numbers in 4 years)
- Journal of Recreational Mathematics(Baywood Publishing Co.)
- Journal of Statistics Education (American Statistical Association)
- Mathematica Journal [1990-present] Newsletter for Mathematica users (Wolfram Research, Champaign-Urbana, IL USA)
- MathUser [1992-1995] early Wolfram Research newsletter for Mathematica users) [succeeded by the next entry]
- MATHwire (An electronic newsletter written specifically for the Mathematica community: WRI)
- Mathematical Connections “Exploring the Interplay between Mathematics and the Humanities” (Augusta State Univ., Augusta GA)
- Mathematical Intelligencer [1977-present] (Springer Publications)
- Morehead Electronic Journal of Applications in Mathematics (MEJAM) (Morehead State University, Morehead, KY)
- Morphology Digest Electronic Newsletter on Mathematical Morphology [18 volumes to 2011] (Joint Research Centre of the European Commission, Ispra site, Italy)
- Notices of the AMS Electronic Newsletter on Matheamtical Morphology [1995 to present] (American Mathematical Society, Providence, RI USA)
- L’Ouvert (Centre Math. Comp. Sci., Amsterdam, NL)
- + Plus (Millenium Mathematics Project, Cambridge, UK)
- Pythagoras (Dutch-language secondary-school math journal, Univ. Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL)
- Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology Undergraduate Math Journal (devoted entirely to papers written by undergraduates on topics related to mathematics)
- This Week’s Finds in Mathematical Physics (John Baez)
- UK Nonlinear News
- Wavelet Digest
- Zimaths [8 volumes to 2011] (from University of Zimbabwe staff, Harare, Zimbabwe)