Resources for the History of Mathematics by David Joyce, Clark University
Canadian Society for the History and Philosophy of Mathematics
A Bibliography of Collected Works and Correspondence of Mathematicians by Steven W. Rockey, Mathematics Library, Cornell University
AMS–MAA Joint Archives Committee – The Joint Archives Committee of the American Mathematical Society and the Mathematical Association of America was established in 1991 with the following charge:
– To stimulate the preservation of the papers of mathematicians and mathematical institutions, as well as other mathematical papers of interest, at appropriate archives locally or nationally.
– To serve as a contact between archivists and mathematicians (or their heirs) in evaluating materials proposed for preservation.
– To serve as liaison among the MAA, the AMS, and their designated archivists at the University of Texas at Austin and Brown University respectively.
The committee maintains a listing of archival collections in North America and makes available a guide for potential donors of mathematical papers. Under an earlier chair, Sandford Segal, it published the article “Why Archive?” by Albert C. Lewis in The Notices of the AMS, 40(1993): 847–9 and in FOCUS, vol. 13, No. 4 (1993): 11–12.
To provide further information for the list of collections, please contact Albert C. Lewis.